About the Gallery

The Lore Degenstein Gallery, located in the Charles B. Degenstein Campus Center, presents work in four professional exhibitions and one student exhibition each year. 

Our annual national juried Figurative Drawing and Painting Competition holds a prominent place in the exhibition schedule and has been instrumental in building our permanent collection of contemporary figurative art.

Traveling exhibitions are hosted from time to time, and we also periodically exhibit items from our extensive French poster collection.

Gallery Hours

Monday through Sunday:  11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The gallery is closed during university breaks; call 570-372-4059 for an appointment when classes are not in session.

All events are free and open to the public. 

Upcoming Events

FLASHPOINTS: Material / Intent / Fused

Saturday, Jan. 18 – Sunday, Feb. 23

Enticed by touch, artists Kristy Deetz, Reni Gower, Jane Nodine and Daniella Woolf explore a wide range of materials and processes linked through craft and meaning. With a shared focus on the encaustic technique (using pigmented hot wax), FLASHPOINTS beautifully underscores where material and intent converse and fuse. Whether a painting, a tapestry, an installation or artist book, the works in this exhibition resonate with a profound tactility echoed through substance, image and idea.

Related events
Opening reception: Jan. 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. with curatorial remarks by Reni Gower
Student-led tours of the exhibition: Feb. 11, 13 and 18 at 12 p.m.

Gallery’s Online Store, ‘Blurb’

View, purchase and share the Lore Degenstein Gallery’s small collection of online catalogues. about current and past exhibitions through Blurb’s online and print e-books.

Learn more

Gallery Newsletter

Join our gallery newsletter for exclusive updates, upcoming exhibitions and a behind-the-scenes look at the art that moves us.

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It’s time to take a step back from everything. It’s time to reflect.

The 2021 graduating class of senior graphic design and studio art majors at Susquehanna University invites you to explore the culmination of their hard work and dedication. In curating this showcase, they have reflected on their identities as designers and artists, as individuals, and on their personal growth over the past four years.

“This is a reflection of us.”


Take a Virtual Tour

Contact Us

Lore Degenstein Gallery

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Degenstein Campus Center, Upper Level
11 a.m. - 5 p.m., 7 days a week
Closed during university recesses

Campus Map

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